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Saturday, November 16

8:30am EST

Check-In, Breakfast, and Resource Fair | Registro, Desayuno y Feria de Recursos
Saturday November 16, 2024 8:30am - 8:45am EST
Saturday November 16, 2024 8:30am - 8:45am EST

10:00am EST

Welcome + Keynote | Bienvenida, Discurso de apertura
Saturday November 16, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EST
avatar for Dr. Junlei Li

Dr. Junlei Li

Junlei Li, Ph.D. is the Program Chair of the Human Development and Education and the Saul Zaentz Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education at Harvard Graduate School of Education. As a developmental psychologist, his research and practice focus on supporting the helpers – those... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EST

11:00am EST

Break | Descanso
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am EST
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am EST

11:15am EST

Building Bridges: Effective conflict resolution between educators and parents | Construyendo Puentes: Resolución Efectiva de Conflictos entre Educadores, Madres y Padres de Familia
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
This workshop will focus on effective conflict resolution strategies between educators, parents and guardians of children in the program. Participants will learn and put into practice communications techniques to manage difficult conversations, validate parents perspectives, and develop collaborative solutions that strengthen relationships and support children´s wellbeing.

Este taller se enfocará en estrategias efectivas de resolución de conflictos entre educadores y los tutores de los niños en el programa. Las participantes conocerán y pondrán en práctica técnicas de comunicación para manejar conversaciones dificiles, validar las perspectivas de los padres, y construir soluciones colaborativas que fortalezcan las relaciones y apoyen el bienestar de las niñas y niños.
avatar for Denisse Contreras

Denisse Contreras

Denisse Cruz Contreras es una mujer binnizá de Oaxaca, México. Como psicóloga y antropóloga social, cuenta con experiencia en perspectiva de género y educación popular. Ha tenido el privilegio de participar en procesos de capacitación para personal educativo, desarrollo de... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

11:15am EST

Consent-based Teaching for Children and Adults | Pedagogía para niños y adultos basada en el consentimiento
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
This workshop will explore the importance of a consent-based learning environment, where children are respected as autonomous individuals with the right to make independent decisions and establish boundaries. Participants will reflect on their own childhood experiences with caregivers and early learning environments, considering how their rights were affirmed and how those relationships shaped their self-identity. Through case studies and collaborative activities, participants will explore ways to integrate consent, agency and healthy communication into their programs.

Este taller explorará la importancia de un entorno de aprendizaje con base en el consentimiento donde los niños sean respetados como individuos autónomos con el derecho de tomar decisiones independientes y establecer límites. Las participantes reflexionarán sobre las experiencias con cuidadores en su propia infancia y en los entornos de aprendizaje temprano, considerando cómo sus derechos fueron alentados y cómo esas relaciones moldearon su identidad propia. A través de casos prácticos y actividades de colaboración, las participantes explorarán formas de integrar el consentimiento, la voluntad y la comunicación saludable en sus programas.
avatar for Kimberly Gill

Kimberly Gill

Kimberly Birch Gill is a Connecticut-born anti-bias, anti-racist environmental educator and mother. She combines her passion for nature and social justice with a career in environmental education, human rights, and community organizing. She earned a Masters in Critical Environmental... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

11:15am EST

Cultural inclusion in early childhood education: Strategies for responsive and conscious pedagogy | Inclusión Cultural en la Educación Infantil: Estrategias para una Pedagogía Responsiva y Consciente
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
Este taller ofrecerá un espacio para explorar la inclusión cultural en la educación infantil y reflexionar sobre cómo el contexto etnográfico impacta nuestras comunidades y el desarrollo de les niñes. Abordaremos estrategias para ser intencionales al crear entornos educativos inclusivos, incorporando prácticas que promuevan conversaciones sobre cultura, comunidad, inclusión y diversidad. Además, discutiremos cómo una pedagogía culturalmente responsiva puede fomentar el desarrollo de la autoconciencia, así como el crecimiento social y emocional en les niñes.

This workshop will offer a space to explore cultural inclusion in early childhood education and reflect on how the ethnographic context impacts our communities and children´s development. We will address strategies to be intentional in creating inclusive learning environments, incorporating practices that promote conversations around culture, community, inclusion, and diversity. Additionally, we will discuss how culturally responsive pedagogy can promote the development of self-awareness and the socio-emotional growth in children.

avatar for Tashi Sánchez-Llaury

Tashi Sánchez-Llaury

Tashi (ella/elle) es una persona femme, Peruana, queer, de experiencia indocumentada. Es cofundadora y directora de A Nurturing Village, especialista en primera infancia, facilitadora, educadora, y artista multidisciplinaria. Tashi estudió educación y desarrollo y educación infantil... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

11:15am EST

Holistic Wellbeing to Support Your Program | Bienestar para apoyar a su programa
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
This workshop will explore the concept of wholeness and its impact on mental health and wellbeing, using the 8-dimension wellness model. Educators will learn the importance of their own wellbeing for themselves and their programs, gain an understanding of the wellness model, and create personalized wellness maps to help implement supportive habits.

Este taller explorará el concepto de integridad y su impacto en la salud mental y el bienestar, usando el modelo de bienestar de 8 dimensiones. Las educadoras aprendarán sobre la importancia de su propio bienestar para ellas mismas y para sus programas, adquirirán un entendimiento del modelo de bienestar y crearán mapas de bienestar personalizados que ayuden a implementar hábitos de apoyo.
avatar for Lorena Fernandez

Lorena Fernandez

Lorena Fernandez is the Business Team Support Associate. She supports the business team with administrative duties including helping educators connect with the team's offerings such as the Business and Accounting Series. She has a Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

11:15am EST

Intentional and Purposeful Art Integration into the ECE Program | Integración intencionada y significativa del arte en el programa de educación de la primera infancia
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
This workshop guides early childhood educators in integrating process-focused, inquiry-based art experiences into their programs, moving away from product-focused projects. Participants will explore the importance of open-ended art for child development, learn to create environments that foster creative exploration, and understand the educator's role in extending and assessing these experiences. Practical strategies for planning and displaying children's artwork will also be discussed.

Este taller provee orientación para que las educadoras de la primera infancia integren experiencias artísticas inquisitivas y enfocadas en el proceso en su programa que se alejen de los proyetos enfocados en el producto final. Las participantes explorarán la importancia del arte abierto para el desarrollo infantil, aprenderán a crear entornos que promuevan la exploración creativa y entenderán el rol de la educadora en la expansión y la evaluación de estas experiencias. También abordará estrategias prácticas para planificar y exhibir las obras de arte de los niños.
avatar for Jo Lopez-Lynch

Jo Lopez-Lynch

Jo Lopez-Lynch is the Education Coordinator at Bristol Child Development Center in Bristol, CT, supporting educators and planning family engagement initiatives. With over a decade of experience in toddler and preschool classrooms, Jo is committed to fostering inclusive learning environments... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

11:15am EST

Marketing for Family Child Care (ENGLISH ONLY)
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
In this workshop, participants will explore effective marketing strategies tailored for Family Child Care educators. The presenters will dive into both traditional marketing methods and the growing importance of digital marketing, including social media and online platforms like Google. Participants will learn how to leverage technology to attract families, build their FCC brand, and grow their child care business. Whether educators are new to marketing or looking to enhance their current approach, this session will offer valuable insights and tools. This workshop is only in English.
avatar for Patricia Santos

Patricia Santos

Patricia Santos is a dedicated All Our Kin Business Coach with a passion for empowering family child care educators. With over two years of experience at All Our Kin and a background in business administration, early childhood education and home visiting, She supports educators in... Read More →
avatar for Sylvia Santos

Sylvia Santos

Sylvia Santos is a Business Coach at All Our Kin. As a former FCC educator and a mom of children that have attended FCC programs, she holds a sweet spot for helping educators grow their businesses. As a coach and facilitator of the 10-week business series, she works with educators... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

11:15am EST

Navigating NAFCC Accreditation: A Guide to Elevating Your Child Care Program (ENGLISH ONLY)
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
This NAFCC Accreditation Overview workshop will walk participants through the Accreditation Process from start to finish. During the workshop, participants will explore the benefits of being a NAFCC-accredited educator and will gain a better understanding of the accreditation process. In addition, participants will take a deep dive into the Accreditation Portal and learn how to create a portal account and navigate the portal to complete the necessary steps. This workshop is only in English.
avatar for Andrea Maldonado

Andrea Maldonado

Andrea Maldonado has over 14 years of experience in family child care, workforce development, and quality standards. She has led initiatives at NYC Public Schools and developed professional learning programs at the New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute. As Director... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

11:15am EST

Nurturing Resilience: Supporting Young Children Through Grief and Loss in Family Child Care | Promoviendo la resiliencia: apoyando a los niños pequeños en el cuidado infantil familiar en momentos de dolor y pérdida
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
This workshop will equip family child care educators with essential tools and strategies to support young children navigating these challenging emotions. Through an exploration of trauma-informed care practices, participants will learn how to create a safe and nurturing environment where children can process their grief and begin to heal. Attendees will gain practical insights into recognizing the signs of grief in young children, facilitating age-appropriate conversations about loss, and implementing activities that promote emotional resilience.

Este taller proveerá a las educadoras de cuidado infantil familiar herramientas y estrategias esenciales para apoyar a los niños pequeños para que naveguen estas emociones difíciles. A través de la exploración de prácticas de cuidado sensibles al trauma, las participantes aprenderán cómo crear un entorno seguro y enriquecedor donde los niños puedan procesar su dolor y empezar a sanar. Las asistentes adquirirán conocimientos prácticos para que reconozcan las señales del dolor en los niños pequeños, faciliten conversaciones sobre la pérdida que sean adecuadas a la edad e implementen actividades que promuevan la resiliencia emocional.
avatar for Jada Young

Jada Young

Jada Young, a New York State certified School Counselor and National Certified Counselor (NCC), is the Partnerships Manager at The Opportunity Network. With over a decade of experience, she empowers youth through education and counseling with a focus on social justice and equity... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

11:15am EST

Playful Pathways: Enhancing Communication and Cognition in Early Childhood Through Play | Enfoques divertidos: mejorando la comunicación y la cognición en la primera infancia a través del juego
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
This interactive workshop is designed to empower early child care educators with the knowledge and practical strategies to support speech, language, communication and cognitive development of children aged 0-5. Emphasizing the critical role of play in early development, this session will provide hands-on techniques to integrate language and cognition-building activities into daily routines.

Este taller interactivo está diseñado para empoderar a las educadoras de cuidado infantil temprano con conocimientos y estrategias prácticas que apoyen el habla, el lenguaje, la comunicación y el desarrollo cognitivo de los niños de 0-5 años. Al recalcar el rol crítico que desempeña el juego en el desarrollo temprano, esta sesión proveerá técnicas prácticas para integrar el lenguaje y las actividades de desarrollo cognitivo en las rutinas diarias.
avatar for Mary Liguori-Castro

Mary Liguori-Castro

Mary Liguori-Castro is a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist in the state of NY and CT with over seven years of experience. She holds degrees from Adelphi University and New York Medical College. Mary has worked in early childhood, public and private schools, focusing on speech... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

11:15am EST

Positive Learning Environment | Ambiente positivo de aprendizaje
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
Este taller está diseñado para educadores interesados en cómo establecer o reorganizar su entorno de programa, tanto en interiores como exteriores. Exploraremos cómo los colores, objetos, el diseño y la designación de áreas pueden impactar las emociones de los niños y su bienestar, y crear un entorno de aprendizaje equilibrado.

This workshop is designed for educators interested in how they can establish or reorganize their program environments, both indoor and outdoor. We will explore how colors, objects, design, and designated areas can impact children´s emotions and wellbeing and create a balanced learning environment.

avatar for Evelyn Majano-Montiel

Evelyn Majano-Montiel

Family Child Care Educator and Owner, The Angel’s Daycare
Evelyn Majano-Montiel is the owner & operator of The Angels Daycare in Bridgeport, CT. In her work with children, she has implemented creative and educational curricula to promote expression and individuality with varying daily activities, and cultivated safe and happy child-friendly... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

11:15am EST

Transforming Challenges into Growth: Strategies for Positive Behavior Management in Early Childhood | Transformando las dificultades en aprendizaje: estrategias para el manejo positivo del comportamiento en la primera infancia
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
This interactive workshop is designed to equip early childhood educators with practical tools and strategies for turning behaviors that feel challenging into opportunities for growth and development. Participants will explore techniques grounded in positive behavior management, learn how to support children in self regulation, and create environments that promote emotional wellbeing.

Este taller interactivo está diseñado para dotar a las educadoras de la primera infancia de herramientas y estrategias prácticas que conviertan los comportamientos que se consideren como difíciles en oportunidades para el crecimiento y el desarrollo. Las participantes explorarán técnicas fundamentadas en el manejo de comportamientos positivos, aprenderán cómo apoyar a los niños para que se regulen a sí mismos y crearán entornos que promuevan el bienestar emocional.
avatar for Kiomary Sotillo

Kiomary Sotillo

Kiomary Sotillo is a bilingual education coach with All Our Kin, helping family childcare educators identify growth areas and providing tailored support for their professional development. With a master's degree and over 18 years of experience in special education advocacy, she supports... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

11:15am EST

What to Expect When You're Expecting....a Grant! | La espera terminó! Claves para conseguir y ayudar con los fondos que estás esperando
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
This workshop is designed for family child care educators, whether they are new to grant applications or have previous experience, and aims to share best practices and guidelines to enhance their effectiveness in securing funding. Participants will gain essential skills to search for and track grant opportunities, gather necessary documentation, create detailed budgets, and write compelling grant narratives. Additionally, the workshop will cover community development financial institutions (CDFIs) and other local funding opportunities. By the end, attendees will feel confident and prepared to navigate the grant application process and monitor their awarded grants.

Este taller está diseñado para las educadoras de cuidado infantil familiar para quienes las solicitudes de subvenciones sean nuevas así como para quienes tengan experiencia previa, y persigue compartir las prácticas más adecuadas y las pautas para aumentar su efectividad en la obtención de fondos. Las participantes adquirirán las habilidades necesarias para buscar y dar seguimiento a las oportunidades de subsidios, recopilar la documentación necesaria, crear presupuestos detallados y escribir narrativas persuasivas. Asimismo, el taller cubrirá las instituciones financieras de desarrollo comunitario (CDFI, por sus siglas en inglés) y otras oportunidades de fondos locales. Para el final de la sesión, las asistentes se sentirán seguras y preparadas para navegar el proceso de solucitud de subsidios y dar seguimiento a los subsidios concedidos.
avatar for Amy Shea

Amy Shea

Amy Shea (formerly Chea) is the daughter of Cambodian refugees and is a passionate advocate for refugees, immigrants, women, and children. Based in New York City, she serves as the Early Care and Education Program Manager for the Northeast Region at the Low Income Investment Fund... Read More →
avatar for Yari Gonzalez

Yari Gonzalez

Yarimar “Yari” Gonzalez is a Program Officer at LIIF, supporting Early Care & Education (ECE) programs in New York and New Mexico. She has extensive experience managing large-scale ECE projects and organizing professional development in NYC. Previously with the NYC Department... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

11:15am EST

What's the Problem in Problem Solving? Discovering the "Root" Cause of Challenging Behavior | ¿Cuál es el problema en la resolución de problemas? Descubriendo la "raíz" de los comportamientos difíciles
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
In this workshop, participants will explore the root causes of behaviors that feel challenging in family child care settings and brainstorm effective solutions. Attendees will gain insights into how underlying conditions impact a child’s emotions, learn strategies to foster positive social interactions, and develop a basic understanding of brain function and self control.

En este taller, las participantes explorarán la raíz de los comportamientos que parecen difíciles en los entornos de cuidado infantil familiar y propondrán soluciones efectivas. Las asistentes adquirirán conocimientos sobre cómo las condiciones subyacentes impactan las emociones de un niño, aprenderán estrategias que promuevan interacciones sociales positivas y desarrollarán un entendimiento básico de la función cerebral y el autocontrol.
avatar for Gilda Mecca

Gilda Mecca

Gilda Mecca has been a Family Childcare Educator for 40 years and is recently retired.Gilda Mecca ha sido educadora de cuidado infantil familiar durante 40 años y está recientemente jubilada.
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

11:15am EST

You Matter: Have you ever considered all the ways that you are building brains every day? | Usted es importante: ¿Ha considerado todas las maneras en las que desarrolla los cerebros de los niños diariamente?
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST
This workshop centers the vital role caregivers play in fostering strong emotional bonds that support healthy brain development and social-emotional growth in young children. Participants will deepen their understanding of attachment, reflect on their own experiences, and learn how responsive "Serve and Return" interactions can positively shape children's development.

Este taller resalta el rol fundamental que juegan los cuidadores en el fomento de lazos emocionales fuertes que apoyen el desarrollo del cerebro y un crecimiento socioemocional saludables de los niños pequeños. Los participantes profundizarán su entendimiento del apego, reflexionarán sobre sus propias experiencias y aprenderán cómo las interacciones receptivas de "servir y devolver" pueden moldear positivamente el desarrollo de los niños.
avatar for Heidi Maderia

Heidi Maderia

Heidi Madeira, MS, IMH-E®, is the Executive Director of the Connecticut Association for Infant Mental Health (CT-AIMH). With a background as a SAMHSA Grant Training Coordinator, Family Resource Center Coordinator, and Childcare Program Director, Heidi has dedicated her career to... Read More →
avatar for Anne Giordano

Anne Giordano

Anne is the Training Coordinator for the Connecticut Association for Infant Mental Health (CT-AIMH), where she develops and presents statewide training on infant mental health for child welfare staff, early care providers, and home visitors. Previously, she managed Part C Birth-3... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:15am - 1:00pm EST

1:00pm EST

Lunch and Resource Fair | Almuerzo y Feria de Recursos
Saturday November 16, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Saturday November 16, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST

2:30pm EST

Como Promover Su Negocio (SOLO EN ESPAÑOL)
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
En este taller, las participantes explorarán estrategias de marketing efectivas diseñadas para educadores de cuidado Infantil familiar. Las facilitadoras profundizarán en métodos de marketing tradicionales y la creciente importancia del marketing digital, incluyendo las redes sociales y plataformas en línea como Google. Participantes aprenderán a aprovechar la tecnología para atraer familias, construir su marca y hacer crecer su negocio. Ya sea que sean nuevos en el marketing o buscan mejorar su enfoque actual, esta sesión ofrecerá valiosas ideas y herramientas. Este taller será solo en español.
avatar for Lesbia Orellana

Lesbia Orellana

Lesbia Orellana graduated in Business Administration from Fairfield University and began her career in Marketing with a focus on Global Hospitality in North America, Latin America and the Caribbean. In 2021, she joined All Our Kin as a Business Associate, providing administrative... Read More →
avatar for Molly Stevens

Molly Stevens

With roots in Colombia and the United States, Molly Stevens is a business program manager at All Our Kin. She supports her team in ensuring educators have the tools needed to establish and maintain thriving family childcare businesses. Molly holds a master's degree in sustainable... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

2:30pm EST

Creating an Anti-Bias Environment for the Young Child | Creando un entorno sin prejuicios para los niños pequeños
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
In this workshop, participants will explore the four anti-bias goals developed by Louise Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards, learning how to integrate them into early childhood curricula with concrete, actionable lessons. We will discuss the importance of fostering self love, celebrating differences, understanding bias, and empowering children to take action against injustice. The session will focus on justice and liberatory practices in early education, offering time for culture sharing and storytelling. By seeing each other's humanity, we can work towards collective freedom, starting with our youngest learners.

En este taller, las participantes explorarán los cuatro objetivos contra los prejuicios desarrollados por Louise Derman-Sparks y Julie Olsen Edwards, aprendiendo cómo integrarlos en el plan de estudios de la primera infancia con lecciones concretas y factibles. Discutiremos la importancia de promover el autorrespecto, celebrando las diferencias, entendiendo los prejuicios y empoderando a los niños para que actúen contra las injusticias. La sesión se enfocará en la justicia y las prácticas liberadoras en la educación temprana, ofreciendo un tiempo para compartir la cultura y para la narración. Al ver la humanidad de todas, podemos trabajar hacia la libertad colectiva, empezando por nuestros estudiantes más pequeños.
avatar for Amelia Sherwood

Amelia Sherwood

Amelia Sherwood (She/her) lives on Quinnipiac land but you may know it as New Haven, CT. She is a Black queer mama of two, anti-bias & anti-racist Montessori educator and early childhood enthusiast. Amelia is a proud family daycare provider and the founder of Sankofa Learning Center... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

2:30pm EST

Creating Effective Learning Spaces: Appropriate Materials and Environmentes for Each Developmental Stage | Creando Espacios de Aprendizaje Efectivos: Materiales y Ambientes Adecuados para Cada Etapa del Desarrollo Infantil
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
In this workshop, participants will learn to create effective learning environments and select materials that are appropriate for each child´s developmental stage. We will explore how to plan environments that support diverse learning areas, considering the needs and ages of the children in the group. We will discover how to adapt the materials and the environment to promote a holistic development, offering the children an appropriate space to grow and learn.

En este taller, las participantes aprenderán a crear espacios de aprendizaje efectivos y seleccionar materiales adecuados para cada etapa del desarrollo infantil. Exploraremos cómo planificar ambientes que apoyen diversas áreas de aprendizaje, considerando las necesidades y edades de los niños en el grupo. Descubriremos cómo adaptar los materiales y el entorno para fomentar un desarrollo integral, brindando a los niños un espacio adecuado para crecer y aprender.
avatar for Luisa Barrionuevo

Luisa Barrionuevo

Luisa Barrionuevo es una educadora en el estado de Connecticut con más de cinco años de experiencia. Nacida en Ecuador, cuenta con una sólida formación en educación infantil y posee la credencial de Child Development Associate (CDA). Actualmente, se encuentra en proceso de obtener... Read More →
avatar for Kiomary Sotillo

Kiomary Sotillo

Kiomary Sotillo is a bilingual education coach with All Our Kin, helping family childcare educators identify growth areas and providing tailored support for their professional development. With a master's degree and over 18 years of experience in special education advocacy, she supports... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

2:30pm EST

From Dream to Reality: Leveraging the Power of Motivation | De los sueños a la realidad: Aprovecha el poder de la motivación
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
The workshop aims at providing participants a deep understanding of the connection between self-esteem, self-respect and motivation as well as tools and practical strategies to strengthen these areas in daily life. By the end of the workshop, participants will feel empowered and motivated to reach their personal and professional goals and give feedback to others through their learning.

El taller tiene como objetivo proporcionar a las participantes una comprensión profunda de la conexión entre la autoestima, el amor propio y la motivación, así como ofrecer herramientas y estrategias prácticas para fortalecer estas áreas en la vida diaria. Al final del taller, las participantes se sentirán empoderadas y motivadas para alcanzar sus metas personales, profesionales y retroalimentar a otras a través de su aprendizaje.
avatar for Maria Amado-Lastra

Maria Amado-Lastra

Maria Amado is an educator. Her program is called Green World Family Child Care Home and is located in Hartford, Connecticut, with 8 years of experience. She has experience as a facilitator and mentor in professional development for adults in the family child care field. She is a... Read More →
avatar for Luz Martinez

Luz Martinez

Education Consultant, All Our Kin
Luz Martinez has over 17 years of experience in education, working with educators, children, and families. She serves as an Educational Coach at All Our Kin, a CDA Instructor, a PD Specialist Observer at the CDA Council, and a Peer Mentor Coordinator at SEIU SF. She is also a Certified... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

2:30pm EST

Ignite Your Curriculum | Renueve su plan de estudios
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
Join us for a hands-on workshop designed to help you create an engaging and inclusive curriculum for your early childhood program. You'll learn how to observe children effectively, plan lessons that meet their unique needs, and incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion into your teaching. Through practical activities and real-life examples, you'll gain tools and strategies to enhance your curriculum and ensure every child feels valued and supported.

Acompáñenos en un taller práctico diseñado para ayudarla a crear un plan de estudios interesante e inclusivo para su programa de la primera infancia. Usted aprenderá cómo observar efectivamente a los niños, planificar lecciones que satisfagan sus necesidades únicas e incorporar la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión en su enseñanza. A través de actvidades prácticas y ejemplos de la vida real, usted adquirirá herramientas y estrategias para mejorar su plan de estudios y asegurar que cada niño se sienta valorado y apoyado.
avatar for Pearl Loftlin

Pearl Loftlin

Pearl Loftlin, a graduate of Florida A&M University with a Bachelor's in Psychology and a Master's in Education. During her time there, she was one of the founding members of the Psi Beta Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.. She has over 22 years of experience in... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

2:30pm EST

Let’s Play! Engaging Parents in Play at Home | ¡Juguemos! Involucrando a los padres en el juego en el hogar
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
This informative, hands-on session will support educators in communicating to families the importance of play in child development and how they can support play at home. Participants will leave with resources and an implementation plan for their programs.

Esta sesión informativa y práctica apoyará a las educadoras para que comuniquen a las familias la importancia del juego en el desarrollo infantil y cómo ellas pueden apoyar el juego en la casa. Las participantes dispondrán de recursos y un plan de implementación para su programa.
avatar for Carol Carrozelli

Carol Carrozelli

Ms. Carrozelli has over 20 years of experience as a teacher and school leader in Connecticut and New York. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Connecticut, a master's in education from Sacred Heart University, and a leadership credential from Bank Street. Certified... Read More →
avatar for Mary Oster

Mary Oster

Mary Oster has been the Early Childhood Coordinator for the City of Norwalk since 2011. She previously directed the Naramake Elementary School Family Resource Center and preschool. As Coordinator, she expanded the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) citywide and connected early care... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

2:30pm EST

Making Math Fun: Learning Through Play | Haciendo que las matemáticas sea divertidas: aprendiendo a través del juego
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
In this interactive workshop, participants will collaborate to solve a math problem and connect math standards to developmentally appropriate activities for different age groups. Educators will gain practical ideas to implement immediately, while learning how math lays the foundation for future learning, how to integrate math into daily routines, and how to extend math learning into the home.

En este taller interactivo, las participantes colaborarán para resolver un problema matemático y conectar los estándares matemáticos con actividades adecuadas al desarrollo de distintos grupos de edades. Las educadoras adquirirán ideas prácticas que podrán implementar inmediatamente al mismo tiempo que aprenden cómo las matemáticas sientan las bases para el aprendizaje futuro, cómo integrar las matemáticas en las rutinas diarias y cómo extender el aprendizaje de las matemáticas en el hogar.
avatar for Sabrina Silverstein

Sabrina Silverstein

Sabrina Silverstein, a National Board Certified Teacher, is an independent educational consultant and owner of SWS Consulting, LLC. With over 30 years in early childhood education, including 16 years as a pre-k teacher in Chicago, she has developed evaluation rubrics, built bilingual... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

2:30pm EST

Navegando la Acreditación de NAFCC: Una Guía para Elevar tu Programa de Cuidado Infantil (SOLO EN ESPAÑOL)
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
En el taller de Introducción a la Acreditación de NAFCC, recorreremos el proceso de acreditación de principio a fin. Durante el taller, las participantes explorarán los beneficios de ser un educador acreditado con NAFCC y obtendrán una mejor comprensión del proceso de acreditación. Además, se profundizará en el Portal de Acreditación, donde los participantes aprenderán a crear una cuenta y navegar por el portal para completar los pasos necesarios. Este taller será solo en español.
avatar for Andrea Maldonado

Andrea Maldonado

Andrea Maldonado has over 14 years of experience in family child care, workforce development, and quality standards. She has led initiatives at NYC Public Schools and developed professional learning programs at the New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute. As Director... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

2:30pm EST

Safer Art Supplies, Plastics, Indoor Air Quality and Household Chemicals in Family Child Care | Materiales de arte, plásticos, calidad del aire interior y productos químicos del hogar más seguros en el cuidado infantil familiar
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
This workshop addresses the importance of environmental health in high-quality child care, focusing on protecting children and educators from harmful hazards commonly found in family child care homes. Participants will learn about various environmental hazards, their effects on children's health, and the disproportionate impact on Black, Brown, and economically vulnerable communities. The session will provide eco-healthy best practices for reducing these risks, along with valuable resources for child care professionals to create safer environments.

Este taller aborda la importancia de la salud medioambiental en el cuidado infantil de alta calidad, enfocándose en proteger a los niños y las educadoras de los peligros nocivos que se encuentran comúnmente en los hogares de cuidado infantil familiar. Las participantes aprenderán sobre los distintos peligros medioambientales, sus efectos en la salud de los niños y el impacto desproporcionado en las comunidades afroamericanas, de color y económicamente vulnerables. La sesión proveerá las prácticas medioambientales saludables más adecuadas para reducir estos riesgos junto con recursos valiosos para que las profesionales de cuidado infantil creen entornos más seguros.
avatar for Elizabeth Repp

Elizabeth Repp

Elisabeth Repp, MHS, is the Eco-Healthy Child Care® Program Assistant at the Children's Environmental Health Network. She holds a BA in Community and Global Public Health from the University of Michigan and an MHS in Environmental Health from Johns Hopkins. Her experience includes... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

2:30pm EST

Setting Your Business Up For Success: QUALITYstarsNY & Aspire (ONLY FOR NY EDUCATORS) | Preparando a su negocio para el éxito: QUALITYstarsNY y Aspire (SOLO PARA EDUCADORAS DE NY)
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
This workshop is open to NY-based educators. Are you seeking support in your efforts to enhance and sustain quality in your early childhood program? In this session, participants will learn how QUALITYstarsNY and the Aspire Registry can support Family Child Care Educators’ professional growth and programs’ quality improvement. Participants will learn about the various elements of our Quality Rating Improvement System, such as the Standards Inventory, ratings, and the process of continuous quality improvement. The facilitator will offer an overview of The Aspire Registry and participants will learn about the many resources available, including how to find high quality professional development and track training to meet licensing requirements.

Este taller está abierto a las educadoras de Nueva York. ¿Está usted buscando apoyo en sus esfuerzos por mejorar y sostener la calidad en su programa de la primera infancia? En esta sesión, las participantes aprenderán cómo QUALITYstarsNY y Aspire Registry pueden apoyar el crecimiento de las educadoras de cuidado infantil familiar y el mejoramiento de la calidad de los programas. Las participantes aprenderán sobre los diversos elementos de nuestro Sistema de Mejoramiento y Calificación de la Calidad, como el Inventario de Estándares, calificaciones y el proceso del mejoramiento continuo de la calidad. La facilitadora ofrecerá un pantallazo del Aspire Registry y las participantes aprenderán sobre los muchos recursos disponibles, incluyendo cómo encontrar oportunidades de desarrollo profesional de alta calidad y dar seguimiento a las capacitaciones para cumplir con los requisitos de licenciamiento.
avatar for Olivia Lasala

Olivia Lasala

Olivia Lasala is the Director of The Aspire Registry, New York State’s early childhood and school-age professional development system. She oversees operations, strategic planning, and data analysis to support key stakeholders. Previously, Olivia was a Data Analyst at Bank Street... Read More →
avatar for Kathy Moss

Kathy Moss

Kathy Moss, Quality Improvement Specialist at QUALITYstarsNY, has over 20 years of experience in Early Childhood Education. She has worked as a preschool teacher, center director, education manager, and Head Start training and technical assistance provider. Kathy also consults for... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

2:30pm EST

Strengthening a smartly fun business! (ONLY FOR CT EDUCATORS) | Fortalecer un negocio inteligentemente divertido! (SOLO PARA EDUCADORAS DE CT)
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
This workshop is for educators in the state of Connecticut. In this workshop, participants will learn to navigate the key areas of a child care business while complying with the Office of Early Childhood´s (OEC) regulations. Based on learned experiences and current resources, participants will explore topics like marketing, templates for conferences with the parents in their program, etc. Additionally, the facilitator will integrate theorical principles within the regulatory and standards framework of the state of Connecticut to develop a strong, vibrant, and fun business.

Este taller es para educadoras del estado de Connecticut. En este taller, las participantes aprenderán a navegar todas las áreas clave de un negocio de cuidado infantil mientras cumplen con las regulaciones de la Oficina de Primera Infancia (OEC). Basado en la experiencia vivida y recursos actuales, las participantes explorarán temas como marketing, modelos para conferencias con los padres de su programa, etc. Además, la facilitadora integrará principios teóricos dentro del marco de reglamentos y estándares del Estado de Connecticut para construir un negocio sólido, vibrante y divertido.
avatar for Liliana Lobo Rivas

Liliana Lobo Rivas

Liliana Lobo Rivas is the owner of Smartly Fun, LLC, a Connecticut-based educational program, is a Venezuelan native with over seven years of business management experience. She works as a director and teacher, supporting childcare companies and Spanish-speaking entrepreneurs in offering... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

2:30pm EST

Supporting Infant and Child Development in Family Child Care Settings | Apoyando el desarrollo de los bebés y los niños pequeños en los entornos de cuidado infantil familiar
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
This session will provide an opportunity to explore personal beliefs and values and how they influence our approach to caring for infants and toddlers. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of child development and learn practical strategies to support it. Educators will focus on honing observation skills and connecting what they see to developmental milestones, helping them become more attuned to the needs of the children in their care.

Esta sesión proveerá una oportunidad para explorar las creencias y los valores personales y cómo influyen en nuestro enfoque del cuidado de bebés y niños pequeños. Las participantes adquirirán un entendimiento más profundo del desarrollo infantil y aprenderán estrategias prácticas que lo apoyen. Las educadoras se enfocarán en perfeccionar las habilidades de observación y en conectar lo que ven con las hitos del desarrollo que las ayudarán a estar más en sintonía con las necesidades de los niños bajo su cuidado.
avatar for Danielle Kilcullen

Danielle Kilcullen

Danielle K. Kilcullen, M.S.Ed, is the Founder & CEO of Exploring The Wonder Years LLC. With extensive experience in early childhood education, she has worked as a teacher, instructional coach, curriculum developer, professional development facilitator, parent activist, and leader... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

2:30pm EST

Understanding Play Through the Lens of Infants and Toddlers | Entendiendo el juego desde la perspectiva de los bebés y niños pequeños
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
Join us in embarking on an educator study of being open to the vast developmental possibilities of play through observation and self reflection. Together, we will use the Thinking Lens tool and hands-on experiences to explore meaningful strategies to implement with our infants and toddlers.

Acompáñenos en un estudio de educadores para estar abiertos a las vastas posibilidades del juego relativas al desarrollo a través de la observación y la autorreflexión. Juntos, usaremos la herramienta Thinking Lens así como experiencias prácticas para explorar estrategias significativas para implementar con nuestros bebés y niños pequeños.
avatar for Bonnie Spencer

Bonnie Spencer

Bonnie Spencer is a seasoned Early Childhood Education professional with over 20 years of expertise in infant and toddler development, trauma-informed care, and social-emotional learning. As the owner of EIC Training in Queens, New York, she provides research-based professional development... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

2:30pm EST

Weaving a Child's Interest in Birds into Your Curriculum | Incorporando el interés de los niños por las aves en su plan de estudios
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST
This hands-on workshop will explore how a child's discovery of bird-related evidence led to the creation of an emergent curriculum. Participants will learn the five key elements of an emergent curriculum and why it fosters the most successful learning outcomes. Through interactive activities, educators will see how these experiences support development across multiple domains, including arts, science, math, language, and social-emotional growth. Attendees will leave with practical materials and a comprehensive guide to immediately implement in their family child care programs.

Este taller práctico explorará cómo el descubrimiento de una evidencia relacionada con un ave por parte de un niño condujo a la creación de un plan de estudios emergente. Las participantes aprenderán los cinco elementos claves de un plan de estudios emergente y por qué este promueve los resultados de aprendizaje más exitosos. A través de actividades interactivas, las educadoras verán cómo estas experiencias apoyan el desarrollo en múltiples dominios, incluyendo las artes, las ciencias, las matemáticas, el lenguaje y el crecimiento socioemocional. Las asistentes se llevarán materiales prácticos y una guía integral que podrán implementar inmediatamente en su programa de cuidado infantil familiar.
avatar for Maureen Fontaine

Maureen Fontaine

Maureen, a family child care educator for 35 years, creates emergent curriculums by observing children's interests and incorporating them into learning experiences. She believes children are more engaged when their voices are included, resulting in deeper learning. Maureen enjoys... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 2:30pm - 4:15pm EST

4:15pm EST

Break I Descanso
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:15pm - 4:30pm EST
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:15pm - 4:30pm EST

4:30pm EST

Closing General Session | Sesión plenaria de clausura
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:30pm - 5:00pm EST
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:30pm - 5:00pm EST
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